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TESS, MI's Key Point of Difference


This year MI celebrates 20 years of excellence.

To honor this exciting milestone, we asked Dina Cianchetti & Terry Lawrence, Founder and COO/CFO to talk to us about one of the

key points of difference for MI, TESS



As a referral-based business, we take great pride in our partnerships, and in the results we deliver.   Our most important objective is ROI.  We provide this to our clients and to our retailers through sales performance generated by TESS.


TESS is the foundation of our model, the reason for Missing Ingredient.

Though we share space with other companies, our expertise in TESS continues to set the bar for the industry.


What is TESS?

It stands for Training – Events – Sales Support.  Our performance here creates the secret sauce in the recipe of retail success.



Training is more than sharing information, much more than checking a box to say ‘complete’.  Time with associates is more limited than ever, and we’ve rolled with it, meeting the needs of retailer schedules while exceeding their expectations.  We ensure learning with methods that involve role play, skill practice, and retention checks while defining a vocabulary the beauty advisor can use with ease and enthusiasm to sell products.  At MI, its more than training, it’s Training to Sell.  


And, our training expertise extends far beyond forward facing. Our LMS education platform is custom designed, truly one of a kind.  Our learning architectures ensure our team is highly educated on our brands and products,  but also constantly evolving their TESS skills.   We invest heavily in our LMS for our team and their careers.   



The hallmark of great retailing, we design and execute events that engage and perform while hitting every priority in terms of brand awareness and engagement.  We have spent careers perfecting events, from the simplest revenue generating themes to some of the most successful take overs on record with our retail partners.


Sales Support

At the heart of MI is our field team.  Our group of experienced, driven and passionate people extends coast to coast.  We stay connected through visits, video calls, our exclusive technology platform and LMS system - so regardless of where the client is experiencing the brand, the message is strong and consistent – and exactly what the brand wants heard.  Our team is talented, curious and beauty-obsessed, ensuring time in stores is highly productive and measurable.


It's quite a statement to say the work we do at Missing Ingredient is the work of a lifetime, but it is for us, and that spirit of achievement extends to our team.  We’re proud of what we do, and extremely proud to be celebrating our 20th year.


Here’s to the next 20!

Dina & Terry


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